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The King is Back

CEO of "I've Made Time"


Im a Foul Mouth Female™ who lives to entertain the masses. I am a bully's bully, and speak up for the underdogs. I say what I mean and I mean what I say. I ain't here to bullshit. In my quite adventurous 34 years, I have accomplished many things and failed at even more. From recording songs that never went anywhere to being a published model. College drop out, to 3.98GPA graduate. I don't sugar coat who I am or what I think, and don't plan to ever start.

Welcome to my life in interweb fashion.   

Here to Entertain, Educate, and Elaborate on life's many aspects. Follow along with my many adventures here and on my social media. 


              -Relax, its just conversation.



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